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Full Name
Tetsuya Hairetsutsu
Sith Knight
Eye Color
Hair Color
Dark Brown
Home Planet
"The Hairetsutsu"
Other Family
Samu Hairetsutsu (brother)


In Character[]



Life as Tetsuya Hairetsutsu

Tetsuya Hairetsutsu was born upon the civilian cruiser "The Hairetsutsu", during an engine failure that lead to its eventually demise, along with his twin brother. His mother died during childbirth, and Tetsuya was rescued by a human family, who took the twins in their escape pod. Tetsuya's father is not known.

With his brother, Tetsuya was raised on Dantooine by his adoptive family, until the age of 5. His brother matured earlier than him, Samu starting to display abnormalities, at which point he was referred to a local scientist. Upon closer inspection, this scientist started to suspect a Force connection in the young Samu, and abducted the twins, fleeing to Coruscant. Here, the twins were subject to 3 years of experimentation, which was almost torturous at times.

At age 8, it seemed the scientist had finished his experiments on the pair. In a bid to avoid being found out, he concocted a potion of some description to wipe the memory of the twins, and seperated them, taking Tetsuya and abandoning him on Coruscant, whilst leaving Samu on Dantooine.

Tetsuya was plunged into the lower levels of the city planet, soon entering a life of crime to survive. He made no allies, stealing and selling what he could to get by, completely unaware of his dark past. Tetsuya thrived in these conditions, raising a fair amount of money before his memory started to return. He soon became aware of a brother, whom he believed had abandoned him, and his inner hatred started to grow, planting the foundations for the future Sith.

At 16, Tetsuya became aware of his Force potential. He was, like many adepts, able to move objects unexplainably whilst emotional. Armed with this, he sought out the Sith on Munto Cudro, bent on revenge.

The young man was accepted into the order, taken under the tuition of Sith Master Sorsha Kasajian. Once again, he thrived in the tough conditions, rising up where many of Kasajian's students had failed. Toughened by her cruelty, Tetsuya rose through the ranks.

As a warrior, Sorsha disappeared from the order, leaving Tetsuya lost and confused. In an emotional state, he exiled himself from the temple, before returning some months later to resume his training under the then Sith Knight Blade Ice.

His Knighthood came soon after, sparked by Tetsuya's duel with the Jedi Knight Verrj Cer'Allos on Coruscant. Although Tetsuya was overpowerd by the more experienced fighter, he escaped with one of the Jedi's lightsabers, presenting it to his mentor and securing his promotion.

Kasajian returned to the Sith soon after Tetsuya's returned from Coruscant. Upon sensing her, the young warrior confronted her in her own quarters, but was swiftly overcome and almost killed, saved only by the intervention of the Sith Master Dalethria Kasajian. Tetsuya offered Cer'Allos' lightsaber as a gift to Sorsha, making the started of a new Master-Apprentice relationship. Hairetsutsu was knighted by Sorsha soon after.

The Birth of Monarch

In an eventual showdown with his brother Samu, Tetsuya defeated the Jedi and left him presumed dead. The event affected him mentally far more than he expected, and when paired with the absence of Sorsha, Tetsuya lost a grip on reality and fled the Empire. He spent several years wandering without an aim, often dropping into self-induced illusions for weeks or months at a time. In the end, he passed through his own trials and came to recognise the galaxy as a whirlwind of chaos. Casting off his former naivety and taking up the persona of 'Monarch', the Sith Knight journeyed back to Munto Cudro, to take his place among the Sith once more.

Training and Abilities[]

Sith Disciple[]

My character was trained by Sorsha Kasajian. My character was trained in the following force skills and abilities:

Force Speed

Force Jump

Force Push and Pull

Force Throw

Force Pursuasion, Mind Speek and Telepathy

Force Healing

Force Control Pain

Force Levitation

Force Sense

Sith Warrior[]

My character was trained in the following force skills and abilities:

Force Shield

Force Resonate

Sith Knight[]

My character was trained in the following force skills and abilities:

Force Masking

Force Dark Aura

Force of Shadow

Force Choke


Force Electronic Communication

Force Enhancement

Current Promotion Progress:[]

3 Training Threads - Powers, Philosophy, Lightsaber:

- The Black of Knight - Power Training with James Icarus

- Academia Malefica: Duae - Philosophy Class with Razielle Van-Derveld

Contentious Opportunity - Combat Training with Darth Proeliator

4-6 TSE Spars:-

- Open Spar - w/ Lykeira

- The Prince and The Warrior: Seeds of Rivalry w/ Darth Proeliator

General Group Participation:

- Hearts of Glass

- Tradition

The Reticent Thunders

Ace of Blades

Shadows of Recollection

Apprentice Training:

- N/A

5 Character Development Threads:

- Night Times and Bloodlines

Crumbling Lairs and Wicked Snares


The Prince and The Alchemist: Uninvited Guests

2-4 RPs outside TSE:

- Neon Lights and Lucky Strikes

Crumbling Lairs and Wicked Snares

Dathomir: Cresh

The Prince and the Alchemist: Uninvited Guests

Korriban: Lower Valley Conquest

The Prince and The Alchemist: Uninvited Guests

Plan and Lead 1 Mission:

- Mission Recruitment

- Trinkets and Tricksters
