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Posedia Ouva

Full Name
Sith Disciple
Posedia Ouva
Eye Color
Dark Green
Hair Color
Home Planet
Other Family

Ouva, Posedia[]

In Character[]


Under normal circumstances, Posedia is nothing short of high energy and otherwise bubbly charm. She is used to shouting things out that she knows and shouting out the wrong answer too despite if it helps or not. Unlike most people, she is clingy to anyone that shows affections and sometimes to those who don’t but serve a purpose for her. After being discarded as she initially was, she finds herself wanting to be around anyone and everyone as much as possible, and not above going into a hyper sort of spree when she finds something she enjoys. Posedia has no moral compass to speak of: trained in the art of deception and otherwise blending in to a future surrounding, Posedia see’s the world not as good or bad, but as whether doing something was fun or not. Feeling of guilt, remorse, and shame are rare for her, but not entirely unheard of. When asked to be deadly serious, she can become so, though for short period of time. She is very loyal to those that show her a moderate amount of affection and will do just about anything to the letter, even going to blow herself up if it will make someone else happy.


Born of unknown origin, the girl who become known as Posedia is actually a part of a secretive cult designed to infiltrate high ranking families in the Galaxy and eventually usurp power from within. The children are gathered from around the Galaxy by random and unknown means and trained in the art of deception and blending in with a family. When children are old enough to be assigned as an offspring of a high ranking family, the children surgically altered to appear like the child, often boys become girls and vice-versa in order to accomplish this goal depending on the race and necessity. After that point, the children are taught all the customs, culture, languages, and educated much like the original child, so that when they replaced the children, no one in the wiser. Eventually the children become adults and attempt to usurp power from the family, though in some cases, the children run away or lead different lives, or are assassinated if they go off from the original plan. Not all children make it necessarily either.

Initially the girl who would become Posedia knew nothing but a dark hole and daily lessons taught in an absolutely ruthless way, until it was decided who she should impersonate. The initial target was Posedia Ouva, the daughter of a well known politician on Coruscant whose influences could assist greatly in anyone looking for something out of the Senate. Prior to the surgeries, the girl who would become Posedia remembered very little about her life prior or before that, but after the surgery, was taken care of by a kind pair of twins, one a boy and another a girl. Whether they were related or not before or after was a mystery to her, but both of them help treat her after her Surgery to become Posedia. A few months passed and the new Posedia never saw the twins again, remembering the blonde hair that they once had.

The new Posedia went to quickly learn all the things the original Posedia would know and understand, emulated the bubbly personality almost too well. In lessons, the Posedia was stark and loud, making it difficult to teach her and eventually becoming a problem for instructors and other children in the cult. Eventually the new Posedia neglected the truth that this personality was not her own, brain washing herself in to believing she was this person the entire time, though secretly still knowing her origin. It became a problem as she would not halt any of her mannerisms as Posedia that others found her disruptive and otherwise negligent in the studies at all.

However, on Coruscant, the daughter to Senator Ouva was murdered rather publicly, meaning that the new Posedia would not be need anymore. When this news hit her, she was utterly devastated and began lashing out at others unexpectedly. This would be disfiguring rooms around her, causing general havoc as she was be reassigned to another duty with in the cult, or pointing her new training weapons at others. The source of her rejection from the cult came in the form of her cutting on number other children’s fingers straight off their hands. Despite the objection of her superiors, the new Posedia refused to give in to their demands and was thus locked up in a cargo crate. Little is known what happened to Posedia after that, but she knew she was in the back for a long time before it was opened again. In reality, she was placed on a cargo ship and shipped to who knows where.

Training and Abilities[]


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Out of Character[]

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